Interview mit dem Fernsehsender Kanal 21
Jamaica Charity Concert 13Dezember 2014 :
Interview mit dem Fernsehsender Kanal 21
Jamaica Charity Concert 30 November 2013 :
Jamaica Charity Concert Wesleyan Holiness Basic School Children Are The Future
Jamaica Charity Concert Wesleyan Holiness Basic School Children Are The Future
Jamaica Charity Concert Wesleyan Holiness Basic School Children Are The Future
Jamaica Charity Concert Wesleyan Holiness Basic School Children Are The Future
Jamaica Charity Concert Wesleyan Holiness Basic School Children Are The Future
Kanal 21 Palette – Shocking Murray Interview Der Reggae — Musiker Shocking Murray über seine Musik, seine Lebenseinstellung und ein Benefiz-Konzert zugunsten jamaicanischer Schulen am 30.11.2013 im Bielefelder Falkendom. Das Interview ist ein Teil unserer Sendung “Palette – Das Stadtmagazin” Die gesamte Sendung ist bei nrwision zu sehen: Jamaica Charity Concert/ Falkendom Germany Interview with Len Brown & Live on stage Len Brown Jamaica Carity Concert 30.11.2013 The Wesleyan Holiness Basic School first started in the church of the same name in September 1987 With the help of community members we managed to set up a board structure to facilitate the students. We started at this new location in September 1997 with 35 students and 2 teachers. Throughout the years we have been the victim to 2 major hurricanes which totally demolished our school, but we have managed to bounce back each time with the help of the community. Since 1997, our school has grown remarkably in that we have contributed positively to the academic growth of numerous students which made us quite humbled, proud and committed. Our enrolment to date consists of 45 students with 27 boys and 18 girls with an academic staff of 3 teachers. We have been blessed with kind donations a few times; these include 3 computers from Scotia Bank, and a small concrete office from Papa Ministries which is based in America. We are presently experiencing difficulty in accommodating all our students as our school is in need of expanding and the roof leaks badly when it rains. We are also short on furniture such as desks and chairs so we have been repairing broken ones. The need of a printer and copying machine is of necessity as these appliances will assist us in preparing lessons for our students in a more effective way. The fact is; even though we are growing, we are not yet in the position of financing these basic requirements and therefore we are working to the best with what we have while giving thanks at the same time. However, our greatest need at this time is getting more space to accommodate students comfortably and building a wall and perimeter fence to keep out intruders and keep the students safe. We already have the materials for the fence. The need of materials such as building blocks, steel and cements are our major needs at this time and we are confident that your donations in whatever form will further assist us in enhancing the lives of these little ones and will create a positive impact on their lives and the community on a whole. Thanks a lot for your support —————————————————————————————————————— Am 29.06.2012 fand unser zweites Jamaica Charity Concert mit den Künstlern Carmolina, The Cagle Family, Fireblack, Yah Meek, Asso Karacho, Soundsystem Burninspectre die Bläserklasse ” Big Rock ” der Martin- Niemöller Gesamtschule /Bielefeld , Breakdancer und noch weiteren Künstlern im Falkendom/Bielefeld statt.
Jamaica Charity Concert 23.04.2010/ Thanks to all for your support Wir unterstützen damit die Kinder der New Wine Basic School in Jamaica. Die Kinder haben vom Erlös Schultaschen, Bücher und Schulmaterial bekommen, außerdem hat die Schule einen neuen Anstrich erhalten und die Wegstrecke sowie der Schulhof wurden gesäubert. Es gibt jedoch noch viel zu tun, was ohne finanzielle Unterstützung nicht getan werden kann. Thanks for your support New Wine Basic School / Jamaica – filmed by Shocking Murray Part 2 Project New Wine Basic School / Jamaica – filmed by Shocking Murray Part 3 Project – New Wine Basic School / Jamaica – filmed by Shocking Murray Part 4 Project – New Wine Basic School / Jamaica – filmed by Shocking Murray “Jamaica (Country)” Part 5 Project – New Wine Basic School / Jamaica – filmed by Shocking Murray “Jamaica (Country)”[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Interview mit dem Fernsehsender Kanal 21
Jamaica Charity Concert 13Dezember 2014 :
Interview mit dem Fernsehsender Kanal 21
Jamaica Charity Concert 30 November 2013 :
Jamaica Charity Concert 13Dezember 2014 Videos :
Jamaica Charity Concert Wesleyan Holiness Basic School Children Are The Future
Jamaica Charity Concert Wesleyan Holiness Basic School Children Are The Future
Jamaica Charity Concert Wesleyan Holiness Basic School Children Are The Future
Jamaica Charity Concert Wesleyan Holiness Basic School Children Are The Future
Jamaica Charity Concert Wesleyan Holiness Basic School Children Are The Future
Kanal 21 Palette – Shocking Murray Interview Der Reggae — Musiker Shocking Murray über seine Musik, seine Lebenseinstellung und ein Benefiz-Konzert zugunsten jamaicanischer Schulen am 30.11.2013 im Bielefelder Falkendom. Das Interview ist ein Teil unserer Sendung “Palette – Das Stadtmagazin” Die gesamte Sendung ist bei nrwision zu sehen: Jamaica Charity Concert/ Falkendom Germany Interview with Len Brown & Live on stage Len Brown Jamaica Carity Concert 30.11.2013 The Wesleyan Holiness Basic School first started in the church of the same name in September 1987 With the help of community members we managed to set up a board structure to facilitate the students. We started at this new location in September 1997 with 35 students and 2 teachers. Throughout the years we have been the victim to 2 major hurricanes which totally demolished our school, but we have managed to bounce back each time with the help of the community. Since 1997, our school has grown remarkably in that we have contributed positively to the academic growth of numerous students which made us quite humbled, proud and committed. Our enrolment to date consists of 45 students with 27 boys and 18 girls with an academic staff of 3 teachers. We have been blessed with kind donations a few times; these include 3 computers from Scotia Bank, and a small concrete office from Papa Ministries which is based in America. We are presently experiencing difficulty in accommodating all our students as our school is in need of expanding and the roof leaks badly when it rains. We are also short on furniture such as desks and chairs so we have been repairing broken ones. The need of a printer and copying machine is of necessity as these appliances will assist us in preparing lessons for our students in a more effective way. The fact is; even though we are growing, we are not yet in the position of financing these basic requirements and therefore we are working to the best with what we have while giving thanks at the same time. However, our greatest need at this time is getting more space to accommodate students comfortably and building a wall and perimeter fence to keep out intruders and keep the students safe. We already have the materials for the fence. The need of materials such as building blocks, steel and cements are our major needs at this time and we are confident that your donations in whatever form will further assist us in enhancing the lives of these little ones and will create a positive impact on their lives and the community on a whole. Thanks a lot for your support —————————————————————————————————————— Am 29.06.2012 fand unser zweites Jamaica Charity Concert mit den Künstlern Carmolina, The Cagle Family, Fireblack, Yah Meek, Asso Karacho, Soundsystem Burninspectre die Bläserklasse ” Big Rock ” der Martin- Niemöller Gesamtschule /Bielefeld , Breakdancer und noch weiteren Künstlern im Falkendom/Bielefeld statt.
Jamaica Charity Concert 23.04.2010/ Thanks to all for your support Wir unterstützen damit die Kinder der New Wine Basic School in Jamaica. Die Kinder haben vom Erlös Schultaschen, Bücher und Schulmaterial bekommen, außerdem hat die Schule einen neuen Anstrich erhalten und die Wegstrecke sowie der Schulhof wurden gesäubert. Es gibt jedoch noch viel zu tun, was ohne finanzielle Unterstützung nicht getan werden kann. Thanks for your support New Wine Basic School / Jamaica – filmed by Shocking Murray Part 2 Project New Wine Basic School / Jamaica – filmed by Shocking Murray Part 3 Project – New Wine Basic School / Jamaica – filmed by Shocking Murray Part 4 Project – New Wine Basic School / Jamaica – filmed by Shocking Murray “Jamaica (Country)” Part 5 Project – New Wine Basic School / Jamaica – filmed by Shocking Murray “Jamaica (Country)”